How to Use Kirisun Programming Software for PT8100 Mobile Radio
Kirisun is a company that produces two-way radios and communication solutions for various industries and applications. One of their products is the PT8100 mobile radio, which is a VHF/UHF radio that can be installed in vehicles and used for professional communication.
kirisun programming software pt8100 12
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The PT8100 mobile radio has many features and functions that can be customized and programmed using the Kirisun programming software. This software allows users to set up channels, frequencies, tones, power levels, scan modes, and other parameters for the radio. The software also enables users to read and write data from and to the radio, as well as update the firmware.
In this article, we will show you how to use the Kirisun programming software for PT8100 mobile radio. We will assume that you have already installed the software on your computer and connected the radio to the computer using a programming cable. If you need help with these steps, please refer to the instruction manual of the PT8100[^2^] or contact Kirisun customer service[^3^].
Step 1: Launch the Kirisun Programming Software
After installing the software, you should see a shortcut icon on your desktop or in your start menu. Double-click on it to launch the software. You should see a window like this:
The software has a menu bar at the top, a toolbar below it, a status bar at the bottom, and a main area where you can view and edit the data of the radio.
Step 2: Read Data from the Radio
Before you can program the radio, you need to read the data from it. This will allow you to see the current settings and parameters of the radio and make changes accordingly. To read data from the radio, follow these steps:
Make sure the radio is turned on and connected to the computer.
Click on Read in the toolbar or select Read Data from the Program menu.
A dialog box will appear asking you to select a port number. This is the number of the COM port that your programming cable is connected to. You can check this in your device manager or use the Auto Detect button to let the software find it for you.
Click OK. The software will start reading data from the radio. You should see a progress bar indicating how much data has been read.
When the reading is complete, you should see a message saying Data Read Successfully. Click OK.
The main area of the software will now display the data of the radio. You can use the tabs at the top to switch between different sections of data, such as Basic Information, Channel Information, Tone Information, etc.
Step 3: Edit Data of the Radio
After reading data from the radio, you can edit it according to your needs and preferences. You can change various settings and parameters of the radio using the software. For example, you can:
Add, delete, or modify channels and frequencies.
Select different tones and codes for each channel.
Adjust power levels and squelch levels.
Enable or disable scan modes and priority channels.
Change display settings and backlight settings.
Update firmware version.
To edit data of the radio, follow these steps:
Select a tab that corresponds to the section of data that you want to edit. For example, if you want to edit channel information, select Channel Information.
You should see a table or a list of options that show the current settings and parameters of that section. You can use your mouse or keyboard to select an item and change its value. For example, if you want to change channel 12's frequency, select it and type in a new value.
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