Rider On The Rain(1970)
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I walked a lot in the center of San Jose again today. Lots and lots of people on a warm sunny Saturday, until about 1 PM. Then a very light rain almost mist came, and I hurriedly walk the mile home to get my rain coat. By the time I left the Casa Ridgeway it was raining fairly hard.I still walked a bunch and ended up at 3 PM at a restaurant close to my place. It was really cute. And huge. Huge place, on corner, open on two sides. About 40 picnic tables on first floor, has a second, but I didn't go up.The picnic tables on the perimeter, right at the sidewalk, seat four.All the ones in the middle seat 8. Two guys with guitars and singing soft love ballads in marvelous harmony circled table to table, but seeing this guy alone at the back table along the sidewalk, didn't come over. I was delighted, and was a free rider for everyone else's tips as they particularly dwelt on the table of couples.There are large old sepia and black and white photos of old San Joseon each table with some sort of laminated plastic covering. English and Spanish subtitles identify the photos. There are old tin cups like in western movies, hundreds of them nailed in rafters, and in between hang bags of onions and lots of whole stalks of plantains. The roof is held up by rafters, square 6x6 timbers, dark wood. Very attractive. The waiters, all guys, are dressed in gaucho outfits. Nice atmosphere.I ordered a platter with 1/2 roasted chicken. Came with marvelous mashed beans and salad and corn on the cob, for which they had a quaint name I can't recall. Chickens here are huge. Breasts in stores are a full kilo, 2.2 lbs. routinely, and my lunch 1/2 chicken was no exception. Given my breakfast today, that's my meal for the day.And what a bargain. With generous tips and two beers, $10.00I headed home soon for the night. Worn out. Will have walked at least 6 maybe closer to 7 miles by the time I get home. When I got to the restaurant the waiter, in perfect English, said, that's some watch you have. I explained it wasn't a watch, but a pedometer to measure what I walk and I showed it to him, he was shocked, just stunned, he said, how long did you walk (It was on 4.32 miles). I said, oh not too long today, just around downtown. He was dumbfounded, no, he said, miles, not kilometersI said yes, but 4.23 miles isn't that much. What, he looked closely and roared. I thought that was 43.2 miles and you were superman. We had a great laugh.SUNDAY
Second, climate change is more challenging to solve because it is a global problem. Every ton of greenhouse gas contributes equally to climate change regardless of where it is emitted, posing wicked collective-action and free-rider challenges. If one nation decarbonizes but no one else does, it will make little difference, but if everyone else does, any individual nation can reap those benefits even if it takes no action itself. That is why climate change demands not only aggressive domestic policies, as were enacted after the first Earth Day, but also global cooperation and diplomacy. Unfortunately, populism, protectionism, and unilateralism are on the rise, with the United States among the worst offenders under President Donald Trump. 59ce067264
Stickman Hook just requires you to understand two types of objects: hook points and bouncing pads.